residents of Vigenal in Limoges sign a petition against incivility

On the sill of Marcelle’s window: stones, gravel, and holes in its shutters. These projectiles sometimes pass through the windows. A few weeks ago, a mortar shot even left a mark on the neck of this 90-year-old woman. Since this incident, Marcelle’s shutters and windows have remained closed, day and night. “It’s not easy for me to live in the dark, it’s not a life” complains the retiree.

Noise of motorcycle, car, weapon and firecracker

Twice a week, her son Daniel visits her. He worries about his mother’s living conditions, locked in the darkness and warmth of her apartment. “When I came to visit him this summer and saw him crayfish red, I almost called the SAMU” Daniel recalls. Daniel has been reporting this situation to the town hall for several months. He has even lodged a complaint twice for acts of violence. He hopes to shake things up with a petition he started in early September. The petition has already collected about fifty signatures, that he sent to the town hall, hoping that it acts.

We don’t know what can happen to us

Simone is part of the neighborhood impacted by these incivilities. She got used to to the noise of the neighborhood. “There are a lot of noises: noises of motorcycles, cars, even weapons, firecrackers” she says.

Fear of reprisals

Bernard* has lived with his wife and children in the neighborhood for two years. He prefers not to say anything, for fear of reprisals. “If you have a youngster who is making too much noise, or driving too fast on his motorbike, you go see him to tell him to calm down. Five minutes later, he may come back with other friends. We don’t know what can happen to us” worries this father.

Several times the police intervened, but without success. Some of them have already made the decision to leave the neighborhood.

*His first name has been changed

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