residents of Mariupol try to survive


France 2

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The city of Mariupol (Ukraine) is now completely under Russian control. The inhabitants who could not, or did not want to flee, are trying as best they can to survive.

In the streets of Mariupol (Ukraine), it is rare to come across civilians in the midst of the uniforms of Russian soldiers. Residents who were unable to flee feel like they have lived in hell. “What can I hope for? (…) When the home is broken, life is broken. There is no work, no food, no water. With the children, we shared a spoon . And the other children starve in the maternities”testifies, very moved, Angela Kopytsa, retired and former employee in a kindergarten.

So, to survive, the inhabitants look for work by all means. This is the case at the municipal zoo, where they are recruited by the Russians to take care of the animals. Ukrainians are showing resilience, having lost everything. Now in the hands of the Russians, the martyred city of Mariupol is a city to be rebuilt. Nearly 20,000 civilians are said to have died there, according to the Ukrainian authorities.

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