Residents of Bergerac help police catch burglars in the act

It was neighbors who called 17, hearing the sound of a broken tile in the neighbor’s pavilion. Tuesday, April 12, mid-morning, a rescue police crew is dispatched to rue Faust, in a residential area to the south of the city. They surprise two burglars, a man and a woman, searching a house. The owner of the premises is absent, they took advantage of it.

Jewels found on them

The police search them. On them they find jewelry stolen from house. But no identity papers. The couple is taken into custody, and the investigators are trying to understand where the two individuals come from. The man was born in Naples, he is 39 years old. The woman, in Zagreb, also 39 years old. They have no known address in the Dordogne, one says they come from Avignon, the other from Marseille.

They were still in police custody on Wednesday, before their probable referral to the public prosecutor.

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