Residents of a retirement home in distress



Video length: 2 min

Isère: Residents of a retirement home in distress
Since the Vézeronce-Curtin (Isère) seniors’ residence was placed in receivership, its residents have been living in uncertainty. The France Télévisions teams collected their testimonies on Tuesday, July 9.
(France 2)

Since the retirement home in Vézeronce-Curtin (Isère) was placed in receivership, its residents have been living in uncertainty. The France Télévisions teams collected their testimonies on Tuesday, July 9.

In Vézeronce-Curtin, in Isère, some elderly and vulnerable residents live in uncertainty. They say they are left to their own devices in the seniors’ residence Le Clos des Tilleuls. The company managing the establishment was placed in receivership on July 2, and some residents fear having to leave the premises. “I’ve been here for two years”explains one of the retirees, who cannot be seen “move again”.

“I wouldn’t want to go anywhere else, because it would be a complete uprooting,” abounds another, who feels “like (in) family”. At 83, Monique moved into one of the apartments in the residence last October. Like all her neighbors, she received a letter informing her of the situation. “That tells me that they are in recovery, which I already knew.”she emphasizes. Since then, she has been actively looking for a new residence that could accommodate her. A situation that is all the more stressful since several employees of the establishment have already ceased their activity.

source site-14