Reshuffle, riots, march for Adama Traoré, Izïa’s comments on Emmanuel Macron … Olivier Véran’s 8:30 am franceinfo

The government spokesperson and Minister Delegate for Democratic Renewal was the guest of “8:30 a.m. franceinfo”, Wednesday July 12, 2023.

Olivier Véran, government spokesperson and Minister Delegate for Democratic Renewal, was the guest of 8:30 a.m. franceinfo, Wednesday July 12, 2023. Reshuffle, riots, march for Adama Traoré, Izïa’s comments on Emmanuel Macron … He answered to questions from Lorrain Sénéchal and Agathe Lambret.

Reshuffle: Olivier Véran kicks in touch

Does Olivier Véran want Elisabeth Borne to remain Prime Minister, in the event of a reshuffle? Asked about this on franceinfo, the spokesperson for the executive prefers to kick in touch. “I am part of a government collective, I have no opinion to give on the question”he replies. “I am before you this morning as the spokesperson for a government, which is not thinking about the question of the reshuffle, but which is there to defend government action and also to listen to the French”still eludes the former socialist, while the rumors of a change of team are insistent.

Olivier Véran, in government since February 2020, is just as cautious about the hypothesis of a replacement of Élisabeth Borne by Gérald Darmanin, from the right. If he does not “planes on the comet”, nor does it insult the future. The current Minister of the Interior “is part of a government of overcoming”, he points, and “He too is part of this presidential logic that we have been following since 2017”.

March for Adama Traoré: the presence of elected LFI is a “dishonor”

The presence of rebellious elected officials during the demonstration for Adama Traoré, prohibited by the Paris police headquarters, is “severe”it’s a “dishonor”estimates the minister delegate on franceinfo.

“The role of a deputy is not to go there even less with the tricolor escape and that’s serious”, he assures. And “how a member of the Nation can agree to demonstrate in the middle of people who chant ‘everyone hates the police'”for Olivier Véran, it is a “dishonor”because, “by definition, a deputy respects the laws of the Republic”. The Paris police headquarters had banned the planned rally at Place de la République on Saturday in tribute to Adama Traoré, who died during an arrest in 2016.

Riots: “The responsibility of parents is to be questioned, even to be engaged”

“When you have a minor child, which is moreover a minor under the age of fifteen, you are responsible for education and you are responsible“, said Olivier Véran on the recent urban violence, while a reconstruction bill is presented Thursday in the Council of Ministers. “The responsibility of the parents is to be questioned, even to be engaged.”

Regarding reconstruction, the President of the Republic “had made the commitment” in front of the mayors who are victims of abuses “that the reconstruction would be guaranteed in extremely rapid timeframes and this is a commitment that he has asked the government to keep and that we will keep”.

Izïa’s comments on Emmanuel Macron: “It was useless”, “useless” and “demago”

The government spokesperson did not appreciate the words of the singer Izïa against Emmanuel Macron. “It sucked”, “useless” And “demagogue”, judged Olivier Véran on franceinfo. On stage, Thursday, the artist imagined how the President of the Republic could be publicly lynched by the spectators. “I believe that anything that maintains the idea that violence is justified because we don’t agree is dangerous”is still indignant the mouthpiece of the executive.

“Izïa Higelin had the opportunity to express herself, to say that this is not what she had wanted to say. We are not going to make it a political fact either in itself, it does not carry in itself any mandate”he adds. “I do not incite violence or hatred”, has indeed clarified the singer, Monday in Ouest-France, after the opening of an investigation for “public provocation to commit a crime or misdemeanor”.


Find the entire “8:30 am franceinfo” of Wednesday July 12, 2023:

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