Reshuffle, police violence in Marseille, riots … Jean-Philippe Tanguy’s “8:30 franceinfo”

The delegate president of the RN group in the National Assembly and deputy for the Somme was the guest of the “8:30 a.m. franceinfo” on Friday July 21, 2023.

Jean-Philippe Tanguy, delegate president of the RN group at the National Assembly and deputy for the Somme, was the guest of the 8:30 a.m. france infoFriday July 21, 2023. He answered questions from Lorrain Sénéchal and Agathe Lambret.

New Borne government: “It’s an end-of-reign reshuffle”

It’s really a crunch on Macronie“, said Jean-Philippe Tanguy on franceinfo this Friday after the reorganization of the team of the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne. 11 changes were decided on Thursday by Emmanuel Macron and the head of government. For the deputy president of the National Rally (RN) group in the Assembly, “it’s a reshuffle at the end of the reign”. He specifies: “It’s this kind of reshuffle that we had, in previous mandates, a few months before a presidential election and a change of majority”.

Gabriel Attal, early supporter of the president, becomes Minister of National Education. Among the priorities he set on his arrival rue de Grenelle on Thursday evening, he cited “respect for authority and fundamental knowledge at the heart of the school“.”I think that Mr. Attal will unfortunately do the opposite of what he announces“, already accuses the deputy RN of the Somme.

Police violence: “A presumption of confidence in our police forces”

Jean-Philippe Tanguy pleads this Friday, for a ” presumption of trust in law enforcement “, while four police officers from the anti-crime brigade (BAC) presented yesterday to an examining magistrate were indicted. One of them is placed in pre-trial detention. These four officials are suspected of having violently struck a 21-year-old young man on the night of July 1 to 2 in Marseille. “The general attitude of the RN is to consider the presumption of innocence“, what “is quite rare in the political landscape“, according to the deputy of the Somme.

According to France Bleu Provence, a hundred people, mostly police officers, came to support the four officials. For him, ” the fact that there is a solidarity of bodies of our police forces, which live a hell on a daily basis, it is completely normal“.”It exists in all trades that are exposed to violence“, assures Mr. Tanguy.

Urban violence: “We would have supported this law, if there had been a strong signal to make the thugs pay”

Asked about the final adoption of the emergency bill facilitating the reconstruction of degraded buildings after the recent riots, Jean-Philippe Tanguy explained why the RN did not vote for the text. “We would have supported this law, if there had been a strong signal to make the thugs pay“, indicates Jean-Philippe Tanguy. The RN deputy wishes that “symbolically, the town halls and the communes which ask to be able to rebuild quickly are civil parties of the lawsuits which are made against the rioters and that they ask for the reimbursement, the compensation to the rioters“.”You break, you pay“, he concludes.


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