The president of MoDem was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Thursday February 8, 2024.
Reading time: 26 min

François Bayrou, president of the MoDem, was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Thursday February 8, 2024. Reshuffle, place of the MoDem in the majority, ambitions for 2027… The day after his refusal to join the government, he responded to questions from Salhia Brakhlia and Jérôme Chapuis.
Reshuffle: out of 14 ministers, 11 are “Parisians or Ile-de-France residents”
François Bayrou denounced “the constant, continual and progressive rupture between the base and the powers”, a subject which “terribly worrying”. “We saw this crisis behind the yellow vests, we see this crisis behind the farmers, in the field of health…” he lists before emphasizing that out of 14 ministers, 11 are “Parisians or Ile-de-France residents and out of 15 members of the government, not a single one from the south of the Loire, this creates an imbalance“.
“The result of this crisis and this growing incomprehension between the circles of power and the base of the French is the progression of the extremes and particularly of the National Rally.”
François Bayrouat franceinfo
François Bayrou, who introduces himself as “the historic ally of Emmanuel Macron”, thinks that the Head of State and his Prime Minister Gabriel Attal “share a game” of this observation but “actions should follow words”, according to him. François Bayrou was ready to “take this area” – the link between “the base of the French”, “the territories” And “powers” – who is “one of the most in crisis in the country”.
The High Commissioner for Planning also saw himself becoming Minister of National Education, and specifies that he disagrees “deep on the policy to follow” for education.
The MoDem, “full member of the majority”
“The MoDem has a responsibility, like the majority”estimates François Bayrou, who assures that his refusal to enter the government does not create a rupture and that his party remains “full member of the majority that wants to rebuild the country”.
“The country needs more political understanding of what is happening at the grassroots and less managerial technocracy.”
François Bayrouat franceinfo
Asked about a possible regret regarding his support for Emmanuel Macron since 2017, François Bayrou responded “Never”.
Presidential election 2027: “I have never renounced my duties”
After the presidential elections of 2002, 2007 and 2012, will François Bayrou be a candidate for the Élysée again, in 2027? “I have never renounced any of the duties that are mine“nor to “none of the responsibilities that are mine”, replies the president of MoDem. It sums “the challenge of 2027” with a formula that resembles a campaign slogan. This issue, “it is precisely that we manage to reconcile France which fights at the bottom with France which decides at the top”.
Presidential election of 2027: “The challenge is that we manage to reconcile France which fights at the bottom with France which decides at the top, insists François Bayrou. I have never renounced any of the duties which are mine . I will not let things drift without saying anything.”
— franceinfo (@franceinfo) February 8, 2024
“Elected official from the most distant province of France”the mayor of Pau claims to know “what is experienced by all those who observe, coming from above, directives which are often in contradiction with what is happening on the ground”. “I will not let a certain number of abuses take place which are based on ignorance by those responsible at the top of what the French are experiencing at the grassroots”adds François Bayrou. “Let’s correct them with the majority, with the future government, but let’s correct them and take them into account, let’s not play deaf”he says.
Watch the entire 8:30 a.m. franceinfo broadcast on Thursday February 8, 2024: