Reshuffle: “A combat government” to face the hot issues of the start of the school year


Video length: 1 min.


Article written by

France 3 – J. Wittenberg

France Televisions

The reshuffle of this Thursday, July 20 is, a priori, not large-scale, but it is very political. Live from the Élysée, journalist Jeff Wittenberg analyzes these changes.

It is a reshuffle that the Élysée describes as technical, and yet he there are nine changes. It’s not nothing (…) And, these are important changes“, comments journalist Jeff Wittenberg, live from the Élysée, Thursday July 20. The Élysée puts forward two arguments to explain this reorganization (…) efficiency and embodiment”he continues. This explains in particular the eviction of pap Ndiaye at the Ministry of National Education, replaced by Gabriel Attal ; or even that of François Braun, who gives way to Aurélien Rousseau, at the Ministry of Health.

The “heavyweights” maintained

The journalist also remarks that the “heavyweight“, such as Eric Dupond Moretti or Gerald Darmaninremain in place. This redesign sees the arrival of “faithful” and of “political professionalsand no longer members of civil society, he notes. This is a “fighting government“ready to face the burning issues of the new school year.

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