Reserve squads create a domino effect

Larry Landon was happy to see two recently recalled American Hockey League (AHL) players find the back of the net in their NHL debut. And to add to his pleasure, they pulled off their feat against a team that included a player who played in the East Coast League (ECHL).

Stephen whyno
Associated Press

“It’s wonderful to see,” said the general manager of the Association of Professional Hockey Players.

“It’s great for the players. Everyone aspires to reach the NHL, and whether it is because of the pandemic or not, they have had an opportunity to play and display their skills. ”

Of course, someone had to replace these players in the minor leagues, and with the return of reserve squads to the NHL, in the wake of an increase in COVID-19 cases, there is a domino effect that affects all of hockey in North America.

Like last season, NHL teams can now add up to six players to their reserve squad to guard against further game postponements due to the virus and to ensure they have 18 skaters and two goalkeepers.

This means almost 200 places available among the formations of the LAH which, in return, will draw from the clubs that make up the ECHL.

According to Scott Howson, president and CEO of the AHL, the domino effect is indeed present.

“You have to deal with it, and our teams do a good job of finding replacement players and playing the games they are eligible to play. ”

By the end of Wednesday, the AHL had postponed 64 games and the ECHL, 14. And the required number of healthy players is lower in these two leagues than in the NHL: around 15 skaters and two goaltenders in the league. American League, and 13 skaters and two goalies in the ECHL.

However, during the three days which followed the return of the reserve squads to the NHL, Sunday AHL clubs recalled a total of 55 players from the ECHL.

“When you turn on the tap to full throttle, it creates a problem,” says ECHL commissioner Ryan Crelin.

Without being able to predict how long the current situation could last, Landon notes that players cannot stay for more than 20 consecutive days in the reserve squad.

He also noted that, for now, the reserve squad has been in place until the NHL All-Star break in early February, although the measure could be extended.

In the shortened 2021 season, reserve squads of up to eight players, with at least one goalie, were used which also complicated things for the American League. Several ECHL teams had chosen not to play in this campaign.

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