In addition to the three current colors, the new white light, imagined by American researchers, means “follow the (autonomous) vehicle in front of you.”
Reading time: 2 min

There may be new lights at intersections. After green, orange and red, a fourth color is being considered: white. This is what civil engineering researchers at the University of North Carolina in the United States are proposing. According to their calculations, this could reduce waiting times at intersections by 27%. Knowing that on average, we spend two days per year stuck at traffic lights, this would save more than half a day. Not bad.
How does it work? First, nothing changes for classic lights. We always go green. Orange, we’re waiting. Red, we stop. The new white light means “follow the vehicle in front of you.” In fact, the system relies on the autonomous mode that more and more cars offer. It turns out that in this mode, they can communicate with the lights. As a result, when this type of car arrives at an intersection, the light will be able to take control of it and guide it safely as it passes. At the same time, the car(s) behind will receive a white light to invite them to follow. And they too pass the intersection without incident.
Why not intersections without any lights?
There can be two cars in single file behind the autonomous one, Afterwards, the light turns red again. This is a system that will be especially effective when a maximum number of cars are circulating in this autonomous mode. If there is not enough to act as a guide, the white light will not come on. Ultimately, when this mode becomes generalized, intersections without any traffic lights are planned. All cars arriving at an intersection will be controlled by some sort of ultimate cruise control. It will adapt the pace of each car so that they can pass each other without having to slow down, or even accelerate. When you arrive at the intersection, you close your eyes, you squeeze your buttocks… and in principle, it will pass.
For this system to work, all cars would have to be autonomous, which is not a given. Moreover, the researchers are aware that their system will take time to be adopted. Above all, in their model, they forgot the bicycles. While some people tend to ignore traffic lights, even when there is no sign.
We remind you that in France, each year on intersections, there are around 10,000 accidents, 150 deaths and more than 1,500 injuries. All good ideas are therefore welcome to improve the situation.