researchers find a clue to explain why vaccinated people developed severe forms of the disease

According to this committee of French and American researchers, the immune system of these patients is involved.

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This was one of the arguments regularly put forward by opponents of the Covid vaccine. Researchers have discovered why some people vaccinated against Covid still develop serious forms of the disease, to the point of being hospitalized. Situations that have been detected in very rare cases in France.

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According to the conclusions of this study, it is their immune system which is in question for a quarter of them. These people suffer from an immune deficiency without them knowing it: their antibodies attack the molecules that their body produces to defend itself against the virus: type 1 interferons.

To reach this conclusion, these researchers from Inserm, Paris Cité University and Rockefeller University in New York followed 48 patients aged 20 to 80 years.

The latter had all been hospitalized for a severe or critical form of Covid after an infection with the Delta variant when they had a complete vaccination schedule. The scientists first checked that the vaccine had worked well in them and then they looked for the presence of antibodies directed against these proteins which protect us against viruses. They then detected these autoantibodies in a quarter of the patients.

Despite a visit to the hospital, all are alive today: proof that the vaccine still protected them, since among these people who suffer from an immune deficiency, the death rate of the unvaccinated is 20%. .

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