researchers create protein-enriched pink rice to replace meat


Video length: 1 min

South Korea: Researchers create protein-enriched pink rice to replace meat

South Korea: Researchers create protein-enriched pink rice to replace meat

(France 2)

Researchers in Seoul, South Korea, have created a protein-enriched pink rice. A way to respond to malnutrition in the world, but also to reduce greenhouse gas emissions linked to livestock farming, by offering an alternative to meat.

How can we respond to malnutrition in the world and reduce greenhouse gas emissions linked to livestock farming? In Seoul (South Korea), researchers may have found a solution. In a laboratory, an alternative to meat is made from beef cells attached to rice grains. A pink liquid is used to nourish animal cells, full of protein, and gives the rice a slight beefy taste.

Rice that could be eaten by astronauts

This pink rice thus responds to changing eating habits, according to the researchers. It contains 8% more protein than regular rice. It could offer a better nutritional intake to disadvantaged populations who do not have access to meat. It could also be consumed by astronauts, or simply people keen to reduce their carbon impact. The revolution on plates will perhaps come from South Korea.

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