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For five days, rescuers have been working to reach Rayan, a little boy who fell to the bottom of a well in Morocco. Relief is progressing with great caution, Saturday, February 5.
The race against time continues in Ighrane, Morocco. Rayan, a little boy, has been stuck in a well for five days. The latter fell into it while playing nearby. Rescuers and doctors are constantly talking in front of the tunnel that leads to him, Saturday, February 5. “We hope to reach it without problems. The operation is carried out with caution. Inside there are eleven workers, technicians. It is not possible to dig fast and hard because of the cracks in the ground”explained Abdelhadi Thamrani, member of the monitoring committee of the rescue operation.
Rayan is 32 meters deep, in a hole 45 centimeters wide. The rescuers cleared horizontally to reach the child, tons of rubble were evacuated, day and night. A tube has been embedded to avoid all risks associated with a landslide. Attempts to evacuate the little boy through the top of the well failed. The passage is very narrow, but the rescuers were able to get oxygen and water to Rayan. A camera made it possible to glimpse the child, injured, but very much alive. Last I heard, help was less than 80 centimeters away.