rescue operations for the whale stranded on Ploéven beach were unsuccessful

The animal is very weakened and probably unconscious. “A tide passed and he did not move,” said the mayor.

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Seventeen days after the stranding of a first whale on the island of Sein and nine days after the discovery of a second on a beach in Tréguennec, a third whale – a fin whale – about fifteen meters s was stranded on Monday, September 19 on a beach in Ploéven, Finistère, reports France Bleu Breizh Izel.

A rescue operation was attempted, explains the mayor of the commune Didier Planté, but it had to be abandoned. “The whale is in a very shallow draft”he explains. “An SNSM boat arrived in the area and tried to pull the animal but the cables got into its flesh and made it suffer even more”he explains.

“A tide passed and he did not move”, says the mayor. The animal is very weakened and probably unconscious. “We would have liked to euthanize him, but there are no products powerful enough to shorten his suffering”, explains Didier Planté. Fin whale strandings are relatively rare on the French coasts. In 2020, five individuals of this species were recorded on the Atlantic coast, according to a report by the Pélagis observatory, a specialist in marine mammals.

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