Republicans would like to talk about something other than immigration

The immigration bill returns to the Senate on Monday. If the Republicans intend to maintain their firm line, some within the right-wing party would like to put other subjects on the agenda.



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The LR MP would like to advance the fight against medical deserts (photo of November 15, 2022).  (VINCENT ISORE / MAXPPP)

“You can’t imagine how fed up I am with this text!” This sentence was released by a Republican executive. He has heard about this immigration text for 14 months now and can’t wait to put an end to this subject which monopolizes the attention of his camp while there are many other themes on which the Republicans are working.

The proof with the texts that the right-wing deputies want to vote during their parliamentary niche day in a month, on December 7, on health, housing, transport… “We want to talk about the daily problems of the French. We need something concrete after the theme of immigration which can seem more abstract,” explains a strategist.

Don’t just talk about regal

For example, in the field of health, LR deputies want to propose measures to fight against medical deserts: really breaking the numerus clausus by giving universities the means to train twice as many doctors, allowing the thousands of students who left to study medicine in Belgium or Romania to re-enter the French curriculum from the 5th year or even regionalize training so that nurses, for example, can carry out their training and internship close to home. In short, open the “training valves”explains Yannick Neuder, who carries the text.

Another bill aims to lower the price of regional train tickets, by reducing VAT from 10% to 5.5. It is supported by Antoine Vermorel who leads a group of elected officials on ecology. Decryption from a parliamentarian: “If the right wants to return to power, it must not only talk about sovereign matters, but about all subjects.”

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