The Constitutional Council rules on Thursday on LR’s request for RIP, a shared initiative referendum, on social benefits for foreigners.
Reading time: 3 min

The right will finally know, Thursday April 11 in the afternoon, whether the Constitutional Council gives the green light, or not, to the RIP, the shared initiative referendum, which it is demanding to restrict social benefits for foreigners. . In its request, LR took up measures of the immigration law censored in January because, according to the wise people, they had nothing to do with this text. The right is therefore trying its luck again to condition the payment of certain social benefits on a minimum period of legal residence in France, for example, three months before receiving APL for a foreigner who works, five years for one who does not work. The right has also taken up the end of fare reductions in transport for undocumented immigrants, or the transformation of state medical aid into emergency aid with less guaranteed care.
At the party leadership, we admit to being “not very optimistic” as to the success of the operation, while keeping “the hope of a legal judgment”. According to Eric Ciotti’s team, this referendum is valid because the measures concern the “social policy”, and not directly immigration, which does not fall within the scope of authorized referendums. An LR deputy is convinced of this: “the wise guys will try to torpedo the thing”. It would be a new blow for the right,“and proof that without changing the Constitution, we will never regain control”, says a senator. Behind the scenes, some are already sharpening their criticisms against the “government of judges”, which would prevent politicians from making the law. Even if at LR, everyone “don’t want to hear their party challenge the institutions again.”
One step in a long process
If the Constitutional Council ever validates LR’s request, the referendum would not be automatic. It would first be necessary to garner the support of 10% of the electorate, or nearly five million citizens, in nine months. LR has planned a major national campaign, thanks to its federations, but “good luck collecting signatures”, squeaks an advisor. The only RIP validated so far by the Constitutional Council, against the privatization of Aéroports de Paris, failed with only one million supporters collected.