Republican and Democratic senators reach a minimal agreement on gun control

The initiative includes certain restrictions on access to weapons for people deemed dangerous, the strengthening of school security and the funding of programs dedicated to mental health.

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Republican and Democratic senators agreed on Sunday, June 12, on several measures aimed at restricting access to firearms in the United States. Joe Biden immediately hailed “significant progress”even if it does not include all that is “necessary” for “save lives”. The US President called for more restrictive measures after the death of 21 people, including 19 children, during a killing in an elementary school in Uvalde (Texas) at the end of May. Thousands of protesters did the same as they marched through several cities, including Washington, on Saturday.

The initiative announced by twenty senators provides for the funding of various support and psychological assistance programs and the strengthening of security in schools, in particular through teacher training.

These senators also want to strengthen criminal and psychological background checks for gun buyers between the ages of 18 and 21, as well as better control of the illegal sale of guns. “Our project saves lives while protecting the constitutional rights of law-abiding Americans”summarizes this group, listing proposals but without yet presenting a text of law.

The presence of ten Republican senators among the signatories means that such a bill would have a real chance of being passed, if all 50 elected Democrats were in favor of it. A supermajority of 60 votes out of 100 senators is needed for it to pass, with any major advances on gun control having been blocked by the Conservatives. “With support from elected officials from both parties, there is no excuse for delay, and no reason not to move quickly in the Senate and the House. [des représentants]underlined Joe Biden, who promises to immediately enact the text if it is adopted.

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