REPORTING. War in Ukraine: Ukrainian drone operators on the front line against a highly prepared Russian army

Since the start of the war, the Ukrainians have been using drones, weapons that have demonstrated their effectiveness. Only, it would seem that the Russian defense is now succeeding in countering them.

In the region ofOrikhiv (Ukraine), a unit of volunteer dronists accepted the presence of journalists from France Télévisions, on the condition that their area of ​​activity could not be identified. Those men seasoned THE knowtheir opponents had time to prepare for the much-heralded counter-offensive. And the first observations confirm it: lrussian soldiers “are really very numerous, they dug a lot of trenches, very deep trenches and well equipped, it’s practically an underground city”explains one of the members of the unit.

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In the drone war, the Ukrainians have long been one step ahead. At the start of the conflict, they took their opponents by surprise with targeted strikes.

A sometimes insurmountable Russian wall

Small modified civilian machines become indispensable weapons. This drone unit is recognized as one of the most efficient. As the guns roar constantly, the operators have just identified a target 3 km away. “We load our drone with explosives to make it a kamikaze drone, we saw Russian soldiers resting, we put a small load, that’s enough”explains one of them.

Tezka maneuver using his virtual headset. The kamikaze drone, a cheap device provided by donors, then takes off towards its target. But, after a few minutes, the operator encounters an obstacle, he loses the connection. Because dn the other side of the front line, the Russian defense has organized itself and done everything to catch up on its technological delay.

“They managed to cut all the connections in the area, everything is scrambled and I don’t have a clear view of the target, I lost contact, details a volunteer. The drone fell on their positions but I don’t know which one exactly.” The second attempt also fails and the drone is shot down. That afternoon, the Russian wall was impassable.

“We will get there”

According to a British study, Ukrainians are currently losing up to 300 drones a day. “Our enemy is very well prepared, we are looking for breaches, passages, areas without radioelectronic jamming to start again as quickly as possible. We will get there”positive a dronist.

This mission illustrates the current difficulties of the Ukrainian army in this counter-offensive against a highly equipped Russian army. Ukraine is nibbling from the ground but the progress is very very slow.

source site-29