REPORTING. War in Ukraine: the village of Groza counts its dead after a deadly bombing



Video duration:
1 minute

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – A.Boutet, L.Bleuzen

France Televisions

In Ukraine, a deadly bombing took place in the village of Groza on Thursday October 5. There are at least 52 dead, including a six-year-old child. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky blames the Russians.

The village of Groza (Ukraine) was partly swept away in a fraction of a second, Thursday October 5, after one of the deadliest strikes on civilian populations. Haggard residents recount the horror. My son was found without a head and without arms“, said one of them. A little further on, there is a woman trying to identify a loved one. Before the attack, Groza had 350 inhabitants. About sixty of them were in the grocery store and coffee where the strike took place. There are at least 52 dead, including a six-year-old child.

>>CWhat we know about the Russian strike which left 52 dead in Groza, in the east of the country

Another strike hits the region

The Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky accuses the Russians, and he is outraged in a video published Thursday evening. The inhabitants were together for the meal of a religious ceremony after a funeral. How are we able to fire a missile at them?“, he asks. The target hit was subject to great precision. Around, the houses are intact. The authorities are looking for possible accomplices. After Thursday’s carnage, another strike in the same region hit Kharkiv during the night from Thursday to Friday. There are at least two deaths including a child, and several dozen injured.

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