REPORTING. War between Hamas and Israel: immersed with IDF soldiers in Gaza



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2 min

War between Hamas and Israel: immersed with IDF soldiers in Gaza

The entry of international journalists into Gaza is controlled by the Israeli army. The France 24 teams were able to go to the site. Reporting. – (franceinfo)

The entry of international journalists into Gaza is controlled. The France 24 teams were able to go there with the Israeli army. Reporting.

The flags of theEHebrew tat float over the ruins of Gaza. Israeli soldiers say they destroyed tunnels in the Hamasnear a village in the northeast of the enclave, and controlled the area. The only solution to get there is to board with the army.We are exposed to all types of dangers, such as mortar fire or drones“, noted Gilad Pasternak, lieutenant colonel in the Israeli army.

“Bringing ours home”

Arriving in the outskirts of Gaza, civilians fled south by the hundreds. On alert, a sniper scans the crowd in search of fighters from Hamas.We do the best we can to help them, while ensuring our objectives: bring ours home safely“, explain Asherlieutenant in the Israeli army. The army also fears that some of the hostages are hidden in the crowd. So regularly, she sends messages in Hebrew.

The only way to obtain testimonies from the population is to call on journalists based in Gaza. For exhausted civilians, this exodus recalls the “Nakba”, where more than 700,000 Palestinians were expelled from their lands in 1948.

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