Franceinfo went to meet residents of this town administered by the National Rally for ten years. Several deplore a lack of security and the absence of prospects for young people, others describe a city where “everything goes well”.
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Could this new progression of the National Rally lead to a far-right government at the beginning of July? And if so, what does it mean to be led by the RN? To get an idea, franceinfo went to Aisne to interview some of the 10,000 inhabitants of Villers-Cotterêts, a town managed by an RN mayor for ten years.
Here, voters voted 43% for Jordan Bardella’s list in the European elections, even if very few dare to say it. In Villers-Cotterêts, opponents of the RN express themselves more easily. “The climate is drugs everywhere, we can’t move around on foot because we get attacked,” deplores a resident. Safety, a priority for the RN? “Absolutely not”, she replies.
“If you want to have shit, there are all the plans you want in Villers-Cotterêts!”
A resident opposed to the RNat franceinfo
Pierre, in his thirties, believes that the town hall does nothing for his youth. “Look around you, there is nothing, no children riding bikes, no real cycle path, no square where you can skate… All the young people are leaving Villers and we understand them.” And Tareq, 23, confirms it. “I’ve lived here since I was born. I’ve never found a job here.”
The unemployment rate there is ten points above the national average, so like many, Tareq works 50 km away, at Roissy airport. The son of an immigrant, he doesn’t think he’ll stay here. “We feel that the atmosphere of the city has changed, I have the impression that people look at us badly. In itself I am French, I have nothing to reproach myself for, I have adapted to the country. After a while I try not to feel targeted but all the same, I feel targeted, even though I pay taxes like everyone else.”
Taxes, in fact, have not fallen and the municipality’s coffers are full: 11 million euros last year, but only 1.5 million euros reinvested, while renovation projects wait. The cinema has not had heating for three years, denounces the mayor’s main opponent. “It’s just that we don’t do anything flashy.”replies the latter, Franck Briffaut, re-elected with 53% of the votes four years ago.
An accessible RN mayor, welcomes Jean-Alain, recently installed here after 37 years in Meaux, the town administered by Jean-François Copé. “When we asked the question, he said: ‘I will do what is necessary, no problem’, while in Meaux, we were told: ‘Check with my deputy’.” Jean-Alain assures him, life is good in Villers-Cotterêts.
“The proof is that here you have all racial colors and everything is going well, they say hello to us.”
Jean-Alain, resident of Villers-Cotterêtsat franceinfo
He insists, it is not for nothing that the party changed its name. “National Front meant standing up, the National Rally is the idea of bringing together.” But Micheline, his wife, does not agree. “I am not for the RN, I don’t have to think the same thing! The woman has the right to express herself, and it is not because she loves her husband that she will necessarily vote like him. Me I don’t want a dictatorship in my country! They’re hypocrites, it’s all nonsense and if they ever pass, there will be people who cry. And I’m for Europe. even”adds Micheline. “We got married for better or for worse!” smiles Jean-Alain.