In China, where the Catholic community is divided, several million faithful are preparing to celebrate Christmas.
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In China too, we are preparing to celebrate Christmas, in a Catholic community which officially has 5.5 million faithful. A community which remains divided despite the agreement concluded in 2018 between the Vatican and Beijing on the appointment of bishops. Part of the Chinese clergy continues to practice underground, outside the control of the authorities.
In Beijing, in front of the Nantang Cathedral (Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception), the Christmas atmosphere is very present: a large tree has been decorated in the gardens of the bishopric. Chinese Catholics are impatiently awaiting December 25, like this mother in full preparations: “We have to prepare the tree, the nativity scene and the candles at home at least 15 days before Christmas. I prepare this every year.”
“It’s a light for us”
The Catholic community in China is divided between the official church, recognized by the Communist Party, and the underground church loyal to the Vatican and normally banned. Nantang Cathedral is one of the sites recognized by the authorities within the framework of the Patriotic Association of Catholics of China. The faithful explain that they can experience this Christmas moment normally: “China used to have no faith. Our faith was the Communist Party, that’s why freedom of religion is a good thing today. It’s not like in the old days when you had to keep your beliefs secret .”
Some faithful admit to feeling a certain lack, due to the absence of official links between China and the pope. This is the case of this retiree who hopes one day for a visit from Francis to Beijing: “We pray for this every day. We hope that the Chinese government is in contact with the Vatican. This is a light for us because the Vatican is our authority.”
Christmas masses are planned in the various churches of the capital, but like every year, the faithful of the underground church who refuse to submit to the Communist Party will have to celebrate Christmas in small groups, outside the public space.
Christmas among Chinese Catholics: report by Sébastien Berriot