The day before, the sovereign pontiff canceled his participation in the Good Friday procession at the Colosseum in Rome, for health reasons.
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This is the most important mass of the year for Catholics: Pope Francis should be present at the Easter vigil on Saturday March 30 evening, the Vatican announces. The sovereign pontiff will preside over this Easter celebration at 7:30 p.m. at Saint Peter’s Basilica, in the presence of thousands of pilgrims from around the world.
The day before, Friday March 29, the Argentine Jesuit canceled his participation in the Stations of the Cross at the last minute. An unexpected decision which renewed questions about his increasingly fragile health. Over the past year, the pope’s medical problems have multiplied. HAS Paris, the faithful are worried.
“I hope he will have the strength”
In the 15th arrondissement of Paris, Christine leaves the late morning service preoccupied and worried about the pope’s fragile health. “I always pray for him, I always think of him in my prayers. At his age, I think he’s a little tired.” HAS 87 years old, the sovereign pontiff now needs a wheelchair or a cane to get around. Bronchitis and flu also weakened him last winter.
Sylvie, another faithful, is aware of the fragility of the pope, subject to the passing of time and the burden that weighs on his shoulders. “He will do what he can: he is indeed old, and he is moving towards his end which we can hope for is the most peaceful,” she testifies.
In the meantime, Sylvie also prays. “I hope he will have the strength, because I think he deeply desires it, to fulfill his duties.” The Catholic nevertheless believes that the pope’s health must take precedence over the rest.
“If he can’t do it, I don’t think he should do it., explains the Catholic who remembers well the resignation of Pope Francis’ predecessor. In 2013, Benedict XVI was the first contemporary pope to resign for health reasons. “It was also a courageous act.”
“I think the Lord is with him for Easter, things will go well”
Norman, another faithful, is full of hope about the health of the pope. “This was also the case at the JMIJ (editor’s note: World Youth Day) in Lisbon last summer. Everyone was a little worried, and in the end we saw him on his first appearance a little tired, but as the days went by, he showed nice signs of vitality.” remembers the Catholic.
“HAS Marseille too, when he came to the Vélodrome, it was the same thing and ultimately it went very well. Afterwards, he gets older, so inevitably, all the celebrations will be a little more complicated. But I think the Lord is with him for Easter, things will go well.” wants to believe Norman.
On Sunday March 31, it is also still planned that the sovereign pontiff will go to Saint Peter’s Basilica for mass and for the Urbi et orbi blessing.