While investigating a fake site created to harm the NGO, the latter explains having discovered a “vast campaign of discredit” online, launched in retaliation for its action before the Council of State concerning CNews.
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The press protection organisation Reporters Without Borders (RSF) accused, on Thursday 4 July, a company linked to Vivendi of having orchestrated a campaign against it “disinformation campaign” online in recent months. Facts that the group of conservative billionaire Vincent Bolloré denies having knowledge of.
In an investigation published on its website, RSF points to the communications agency Progressif Media, “hosted in Vivendi’s premises”which is a minority shareholder, at 8.5%. The NGO assures that this “vast campaign of discredit” online was triggered in retaliation for its action before the Council of State regarding CNews. This television channel is controlled by Vivendi and regularly accused of promoting far-right views, which it denies.
“Contacted by RSF, Vivendi responded that it had no comments to make, was not aware of these practices and recalled its minority stake in the capital of Progressif Media.”it is written in the NGO’s investigation. Also contacted by AFP, Vivendi and Progressif Media did not respond immediately.
According to RSF, the campaign included creating a fake website imitating his own and sending hostile messages on the social network X. “Who financed this operation? Who was behind it?” Arnaud Froger, head of RSF’s investigation office, asked AFP.
“We want to take [Vivendi] to the word and believe that they were completely unaware of these practices. We will see what happens later, what choice Vivendi will make with regard to these methods, now that the facts have been exposed publicly,” continued Arnaud Froger.
RSF’s investigation began after the accidental discovery of the fake site. It led to Progressif Media, a company “closely linked to Vivendi”, according to Arnaud Froger: “It is hosted by Vivendi, Vivendi has been a shareholder for two years and the projects it carries out are directly aligned with the defense of Vivendi’s interests.”