Report of Damien Abad and new government … Gilles Le Gendre’s “8h30 franceinfo”

The LREM deputy for the 2nd district of Paris, candidate for re-election, was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo” on Sunday May 22. He answered questions from Ersin Leibowitch and Saveria Rojek.

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The LREM deputy for the 2nd district of Paris, candidate for re-election, was the guest of the “8h30 franceinfo” of Sunday May 22. He answered questions from Ersin Leibowitch and Saveria Rojek.

Not “informed” of the report concerning Damien Abad

Gilles Le Gendre claims to be “neither informed nor competent to say more” on the report sent by the Observatory of sexist and sexual violence in politics to La République en Marche about the new minister Damien Abad. Mediapart affirms that the majority received, before this appointment, a report for alleged acts of rape. “I cannot confirm it to you, it is from your mouth that I learn it“, replied Gilles Le Gendre.

“What characterizes this government is its solidity”

The government of Elisabeth Borne is “a solid and competent team“, affirmed Gilles Le Gendre. The deputy LREM also indicates that the “leg Terminal“, it’s his “professionalism“.

Find the entire “8:30 am franceinfo” of Sunday May 22, 2022:

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