Around Thomas Séchier, the informed debate the news of Friday, August 23, 2024.
Reading time: 955 min

The guests
Veronique Reille-Soult, President of Backbone Consulting, lecturer in crisis communication at Sciences Po, author of The Ultimate Power, the Hidden Face of Social Networks, published by CERF
Hamdam Mostafavi, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of The Express
Aurora Malval, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the website Marianne
The themes:
- Emmanuel Macron received the left, the presidential bloc and the right at the Élysée. What assessment can we make of it? Is Emmanuel Macron ready to appoint Lucie Castets or is he heading towards a showdown with the left? Will the appointment of a personality to the post of Prime Minister take place on Tuesday?
- Kamala Harris, finally the official candidate of the Democrats, is she on her way to the White House? The road is still long, what strategy for Donald Trump?