REPLAY. Watch the full interview with Emmanuel Macron on franceinfo and France 2

He will assume his mandate “in its fullness”. Asked on France 2 and franceinfo on Tuesday July 23, Emmanuel Macron stated that“there will be no further dissolution” and that he will complete his term in 2027. “My wish is rather that we have for three years, for five years – since the mandate was entrusted to parliamentarians for five years – a chamber that can move forward and decide on reforms so that the country is stronger and fairer.” Follow our live stream.

No new government before the end of the Olympics. “Obviously, until mid-August, we have to be focused on the Games. And then from there, depending on how these discussions progress, it will be my responsibility to appoint a Prime Minister and entrust him or her with the task of forming a government and having the broadest possible gathering that allows him or her to act and have stability.”said the head of state.

The New Popular Front has no “majority whatsoever.” Emmanuel Macron hammered home that the union of the left had not “no majority” in the Assembly, de facto rejecting the NFP’s proposal to appoint its candidate, Lucie Castets, to Matignon. “The question is not a name. The question is what majority can emerge in the Assembly.”.

“No deputy.” Emmanuel Macron considered that it was not “not a good thing” that the National Rally is not represented in the office of the National Assembly, because its elected representatives have “a legitimacy”The head of state also said: “shocked” by the images of left-wing deputies who refused to shake the hand of the youngest member of the Assembly, elected RN, who was ensuring the smooth running of the vote for the perch.

Israeli athletes are “welcome”. “They are welcome in our country, they must be able to compete under their colours”the president said. “I condemn anyone who in any way puts these athletes at risk.”he added, referring to the comments of LFI MP Thomas Portes, who believed that Israeli athletes were not welcome in Paris.

Celine Dion at the opening ceremony? “That would be great news.” If the singer, who arrived in Paris, was at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, “because she is a great artist”said Emmanuel Macron, as speculation about the Canadian star’s participation is rife.

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