Replacement of the roof of the Olympic Stadium | The contract officially concluded

The contract between Quebec and the consortium responsible for replacing the roof of the Olympic Stadium has been officially concluded, the government has just announced.

The agreement establishes a target price of 729 million for the work of the group of companies formed by Pomerleau and Canam. The overall cost of the project, including expenses already made, currently stands at 870 million.

The work “will be carried out at a target price with sharing of savings and cost overruns in relation to this target price, in a manner advocating a collaborative approach known as without regard to liability, under which the parties waive any further action,” indicates the project sheet.

“The contract also provides that for a period of ten years following receipt by the Olympic Park of the new ring and the new roof, the contractor will be responsible for inspecting them annually and repairing defective elements detected during this inspection, at its discretion. costs if they are the subject of a guarantee and at the expense of the Olympic Park in other cases,” the document continues.

Tuesday, The Press reported that Quebec refused to confirm whether this megacontract had been officially signed, one month after the project was announced.

“The elements required for the signing of the contract between the Olympic Park and Pomerleau/Canam have been finalized,” Minister of Tourism Caroline Proulx wrote Thursday morning on the social network . It is a transparent procedure applicable to all public contracts in Quebec. »

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