Replacement of an elected by an unelected: Marchand attacks Villeneuve over the proposal of… Smith

The proposal of the head of Transition Quebec, Jackie Smith, to allow an unelected person to sit in place of an elected member during parental leave is still making waves at Quebec City Hall. Bruno Marchand went on the attack, directly targeting the leader of the opposition, Claude Villeneuve.

• Read also: Quebec City: Jackie Smith wants a non-elected person to be able to replace an elected person during parental leave

“Before making the City work, I would like to know where the opposition is staying. If the opposition continues to think that we can replace an elected official, by a notice of proposal, saying that it is enough just to put a friend that we like to replace us, I would like to know where they are staying ” , dropped Mayor Marchand, late Thursday morning, in an impromptu press.

According to him, “it’s always a bad idea. I don’t understand why the opposition (from Quebec first) supported that part of Ms. Smith’s opinion (which) doesn’t make sense at all”.

Replacement of an elected by an unelected: Marchand attacks Villeneuve over the proposal of... Smith


Tuesday evening, during the meeting of the municipal council, Ms. Smith tabled a notice of proposal containing two parts. She first wanted an unelected person to be able to sit in place of an elected official when the latter is on parental leave. Councilor Limoilou also suggested that elected officials have a clear right – just like municipal civil servants – to benefit from the Quebec Parental Insurance Plan (QPIP).

Replica of Villeneuve

Called to react, Claude Villeneuve, leader of Quebec, first, recalled Thursday that his party supported the filing of the notice of proposal to allow Ms. Smith to put forward her ideas. It is indeed necessary that at least two municipal councilors sign at the bottom of a proposal so that it can be examined by the executive committee.

Replacement of an elected by an unelected: Marchand attacks Villeneuve over the proposal of... Smith

“If Ms. Smith doesn’t have a seconder on her notice of motion, it’s just not discussed. We agreed that this issue should be discussed, ”he insisted.

On the merits of the notice of proposal, Mr. Villeneuve believes that “the idea of ​​replacing an elected person with a non-elected person is not something we would favor”.

That said, the latter said he was “100% for” on the other portion of Ms. Smith’s text which recommends that elected municipal officials have access to the QPIP.

– With the collaboration of Jean-Luc Lavallée

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