Repentigny | CIETECH: at the heart of the customer experience

The Customer Experience Technology Expertise Integration Center (CIETECH), located in downtown Repentigny, will launch a virtual training program on Wednesday comprising eight courses offered by seven experts, including Daniel Fournier, president of DFSA, specialist in customer experience. Explanations.

Posted at 11:00 a.m.

John Gagnon
special cooperation

Born of a project to revive the region’s economy, CIETECH became a non-profit organization this year. And it has positioned itself in the customer experience niche with the idea of ​​becoming the benchmark for promoting customer experience technologies in Quebec, explains its director, Véronique Lacroix. “The idea is to connect innovation to the customer experience,” she says.

Buyers of products and services in almost all sectors of economic activity or consumption are now increasingly comfortable with technologies, and they are even on the lookout for the latest advances, explains The cross.

For entrepreneurs, this means that expectations of them are becoming ever higher and that they have no choice but to adapt and modify their practices. The customer experience includes all the feelings of a consumer before, during and after the purchase of a product or service. Entrepreneurs must absolutely know them, understand them and exploit them, we believe at CIETECH.


The services offered by CIETECH revolve around training, among other things. It offers a wide range of them, but at the forefront of this offer, we find the CX Training, which is intended to be the complete course. Classes will be offered virtually in the morning for eight consecutive weeks starting October 12, but the day may vary from week to week. Daniel Fournier, who was in charge of setting up this training, will lead the seventh week, when the course will deal with the voice of the customer in order to use customer feedback as a lever for improvement.

In this post-pandemic period, now is certainly the right time for companies to increase their expertise in customer experience management. “She is the guardian of the brand promise, the best way to differentiate itself as an organization,” says Daniel Fournier.


CIETECH offices in Repentigny

Coworking and digital transformation

The CIETECH provides entrepreneurs and technology professionals with a workspace that is intended to be a place of creative and innovative exchange in Repentigny. This applies both to the self-employed worker and to a business with several employees. Office spaces in a shared area, private spaces, conference room and full kitchen are available to occupants.

The non-profit company also offers a digital transformation program to help businesses in the region target their needs and choose technological solutions to support and pursue their innovation process, explains Véronique Lacroix. “This will be done through the creation/redesign of websites, the development of appropriate applications, the implementation of social media strategies, cybersecurity and management tools,” she summarizes.

And to this will be added the à la carte consulting service and financing. “CIETECH advises companies in their development and commercialization project and guides them through the various financing options”, concludes Véronique Lacroix.

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