rent your home before buying it


Video length: 2 min

Real estate leasing: renting your home before buying it

Faced with high interest rates in real estate, start-ups are offering alternative solutions for homeownership, such as real estate leasing.


Faced with high interest rates in real estate, start-ups are offering alternative solutions for homeownership, such as real estate leasing.

Sophie found the solution to becoming an owner: real estate leasingilier, iti.e. rental with option to purchase. In short, she would be renting a house before perhaps buying it. With her husband, they have good income, but her partner is independent, a complicated file for the bankss.

A little more expensive

So, how does this rent-to-own option work? Each month, you must pay a fee to a specialized intermediary. It is made up of rent and a little savings, for a future contribution. The rental can last a maximum of three years. However, the property costs a little more. If the couple decides not to buy the house, they can recover their savings. A solution to becoming an owner, but not everyone is eligible.

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