Rennes pushes Strasbourg and continues its momentum

At the Stade de la Meinau, Rennes dominated Saturday Strasbourg (1-3), who, despite a good start, could not do anything after being reduced to ten from the 28th minute.

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Strasbourg continues to run after its first victory. At the Meinau stadium, Rennes inflicted another defeat on Saturday, October 1, against the Alsatians (1-3), during the 9th day of Ligue 1. After having snatched a good draw at the Vélodrome on September 18, the Reds and Black have picked up three valuable points, which could help them get closer to the podium.

For the people of Strasbourg, the scenario was cruel. In a handful of minutes, Julien Stéphan’s men saw the match escape them. When they thought they had opened the scoring, with a nice breakthrough in the axis concluded by Kévin Gameiro (20th), the goal was disallowed for offside after intervention by the video referee. Eight minutes later, Gerzino Nyamsi received a red card for a sole on the thigh of Rennais Benjamin Bourigeaud.

At ten against eleven, the dynamic of the meeting was reversed. While the Rennais struggled to approach the goal of Matz Sels, once in numerical superiority, they found spaces and knew how to take advantage of the errors of the Blue and White. On a Strasbourg ball returned to the feet of the Rennais, Arnaud Kalimuendo, well served by Adrien Truffert, scored his first goal in his new colors (38th).

Very close to increasing the score before the break, Martin Terrier recovered from the start of the second period (49th), then Amine Gouiri added a third goal to the score (61st). Thanks to a penalty, the Strasbourgeois reduced the gap with the right foot of Habib Diallo (73rd).

The Rennais won their first away victory of the season in Ligue 1 at La Meinau and have not lost since August 27. A dynamic that they will be able to confirm next week in the derby against Nantes. Conversely, Strasbourg will play big against Angers, in a duel at the bottom of the table.

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