Renewal of the collective agreement | CFL players reveal their game

(Toronto) After a relatively calm start to negotiations, the players of the Canadian Football League have decided to publicly announce their demands for the renewal of the collective agreement with the Ambrosie circuit.

Posted at 3:25 p.m.
Updated at 3:57 p.m.

Dan Ralph
The Canadian Press

This week, a number of players’ representatives, as well as AJLCF executive committee members Henoc Muamba and Adam Bighill, put the union’s message across social media: they want to be treated as partners in the LCF and obtain a fair employment contract.

These comments in the public square come a few weeks after the two parties began meetings that were rumored to be friendly. Some agreements have even been concluded on secondary subjects.

These were encouraging signs, given the often bitter tone of recent negotiations. But the CFL and its players had yet to begin discussing the most important issues, such as monetary issues and the ratio of Canadian players.

This collective agreement expires on May 14, the day before the opening of training camps.

The union’s decision to bring the discussion to the public square suggests that the tougher negotiations have just begun. The CFL and AJLCF were unavailable for comment on Thursday.

The union has constantly reiterated its wish to form a partnership with the league and obtain a fair contract of employment.

“It’s important that the Players Association and the league treat each other as partners, because only with a true partnership will our league be able to experience exponential growth,” said said Muamba, vice-president of the AJLCF and linebacker for the Toronto Argonauts. We need to approach this relationship in a respectful way to maximize the full potential of this partnership. »

Bighill, also union vice-president and linebacker for the Winnipeg Blue Bombers, agrees.

“It is important that the AJLCF and the CFL are respectful partners so that we can both grow the game of football in Canada. »

Hamilton Tiger-Cats offensive lineman Chris Van Zeyl, who will play his 15and season in the league, was kind enough to specify what would constitute for him a fair contract of employment.

“In my eyes, a successful agreement is an agreement that allows us to create a stronger league together,” he said. We can do this in two ways. First, make sure we have competitive salaries with all these new leagues that are being set up. Then, if something should happen on the field, that we take care of the guys afterwards. »

Montreal Alouettes quarterback Vernon Adams Jr. was even more direct.

“To me, a fair deal is exactly what it should be: fair. »

Player safety has long been a priority for the AJLCF. Adams and Van Zeyl also talked about it.

“We’re on the field,” Adams said. We risk everything for people’s entertainment. […] In my opinion, it would be the least we could do to have the insurance coverage we deserve. »

The league and the players’ association have met practically non-stop since the end of the 2018 season, when they agreed to the present employment contract which they had to modify in order to play a 14-game season. last year, after canceling the 2020 calendar.

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