Renaud’s ex-wife reveals why she didn’t want to fall in love with the singer

On February 26, Romane Serda celebrated her 50th birthday. A few days later, the singer was the guest of Chez Jordan. The opportunity to discuss his love story with Renaud. The two artists met at the end of the 90s. In a complicated period for one of the favorite musicians of the French.

But she returned to one of their first meetings.

“I had an appointment with a director of a record company. He gives me an appointment at the Closerie des Lilas. I come in and there I see two very clear eyes. The guy I’m with said hello and I I stay back, I wait for them to say hello. They talk so I go to sit in a table at the back and there I am told that Renaud would like to write me 12 songs. And there, I don’t understand why they tell me that…”she confided.

She indicated “When I finish my appointment, I leave La Closerie and Renaud says to me ‘I’ll call you’. In fact, he doesn’t call me and then I say to myself ‘what a mouthful’. Two days later, he writes me a fiery email and we start from this principle: write emails and address each other “.

During this period, Romane Serda struggled not to fall in love with the interpreter of Morgane de Toi, whom she considered a “goujat” because she had the impression that the latter did not seem very interested. because she was telling.

The interpreter of My reverse of me, helped Renaud get out of his addiction to alcohol before a marriage in 2005 to the town hall of Châteauneuf-de-Bordette (Drôme). From this relationship was born their son, named Malone, was born on July 14, 2006. They divorced on September 23, 2011.

See also: Excluded Public: tensions and panic at C8 and in the corridors of “TPMP”: “We believe in cyberattacks”!


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