Renaud sober … but eaten away by his addictions: “I still smoke like a firefighter”

No smoky excuses for the singer who still assumes his penchant for cigarettes. Eaten away by “stress, life, the loss of childhood, the anxiety of aging, of not seeing grow up” his children, he allows himself at least this pick-me-up. Alcohol, on the other hand, is behind him. Due to his depression and his addiction to the bottle, Renaud had gained weight in the past and developed a phobia of photographers, as revealed by his brother in 2019. But he never suffered from the slightest liver cancer. nor of cirrhosis, as we had been able to read in certain publications.

Today, Renaud no longer appears so much in public. Even the interview he gave to RTL should, according to his agenda, be the one and only that will promote the album. metic.

The public will however find him on France 2, the day before his 70th birthday, on May 10, 2022, on the occasion of an exceptional evening. Happy birthday Renaud. He will interpret great classics, such as Winner Mistral Where morgan of you, and will attend the tribute performances of Patrick Bruel, Axelle Red, Bénabar or Jean-Louis Aubert. Can’t wait…

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