Renaud grandfather: his granddaughter Héloïse, already 11 years old, is simply immense

It’s a great day for Lolita Séchan… at least for her daughter Héloïse. On Wednesday August 3, the very young teenager actually celebrates her birthday. And to prove how big she is, her mother shared several photographs on her Instagram account, in which we see Héloïse, at different ages, with the same feline sculpture, present on the doorstep of their house. Which of the two is greater? In 2022, of course, she is the winner!

11 years of my beautiful Héloïse

Impossible, of course, to reveal his face. “Big lioness on little lionwrites Lolita Séchan on social networks, while maintaining a bit of anonymity. The proportions of the pulpit and the stone are gently reversed. 11 years of my beautiful Héloïse.“The stage is all the more difficult, for Renaud’s daughter, as her child is going to pass an incredible milestone: she has just said”goodbye“to his favorite mistress,”goodbye“in the primary school that she had been attending for so long and will therefore return, as soon as the next school year begins, to college. Here she is soon present in the big leagues.

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