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Author of the book “Anatomy of a betrayal, the left against progress“, journalist Renaud Dély clarifies his vision of the state of the left on the 23h set of franceinfo.
Very critical of the state of the left, the journalist Renaud Dély, author of the book “Anatomy of a betrayal, the left against progress“, believes that despite the good scores predicted by the Nupes polls in the legislative elections, the left “is extremely minority […]. Faced with an increasingly complex reality, increasingly difficult to reform, to change, there is a fringe of the reformist left which has given up, which has failed. […] and then there is a whole other fringe of the left which has taken refuge in a form of radicalism, by resuscitating extremely old, extremely dusty solutions“, he asserts.
Asked about the proximity of the program of the Insoumis with the social advances obtained by the left in the 20th century, the journalist replied that the left “no longer believe in reality. And rather than attack reality, she takes refuge in illusions“, he assures, recalling that the ambitious program carried by the left in 1981 had resulted two years later in the turn of rigor, because of public accounts which remained in the red.