Renaud celebrates his 70th birthday on France 2: big return on stage, his daughter Lolita present and proud

A beautiful tribute to a great artist: this Tuesday, May 10, 2022, France 2 decided to devote its evening to singer Renaud, on the occasion of the release of his new album and his 70th birthday. If all her friends of course wanted to be present, there is one person who surely could not miss this great event: Lolita Séchan! At 42, Renaud’s eldest daughter was in the public, supporting her famous dad as she has for many years.

Born from the love of the singer and Dominique Quilichini (ex-girlfriend of Gérard Lanvin), Lolita never let her father down, even when he was at his worst. In her depressions and her abuses, she has always been there, sometimes supporting quite badly the somewhat inappropriate questions of too curious Internet users. When in 2020, she welcomed her father to her home during confinement, she was forced to set things straight on Instagram.

What I pass on to you about my father are things I choose to pass on“, she had written. “That implies that there are a thousand others that I don’t share. It doesn’t imply that I like receiving your alarmist messages about his health or alcoholism. These are intimate things“. A necessary development for the one who has always been very discreet, preferring to turn to drawing than to song. A career very different from that of her father, even if she finds some points in common, including “anxiety“, as she had entrusted to the magazine Gala.

All my life, I’ve heard my father, then Renan (Editor’s note: Luce, her ex-husband and father of her daughter Héloïse) say: ‘I’ll never make it, I’m empty, I’ll never manage to make a scrapbook’. Now I think so!” she explained with humor. An anxiety difficult for Renaud, who has often drowned his grief in his excesses, even if the situation is improving today, as he had confided to the newspaper The Parisian last week.

Back in shape for his children

Sober for a year and a half, the singer however had spoken of his anguish of “do not see grow [s]are children” who pushes him to excessive cigarette smoking, knowing that it greatly damages his voice. But for Lolita, his inspiration for forty years, he would be ready for anything! After having written her some of her most beautiful songs (Morgane de toi, Mistral Gagnant, It’s raining…), he got vaccinated against Covid-19 for her and really considers her a pillar. During the evening, an archive of the moment of his birth will also be unveiled exclusively!

And she will not be the only one present for him: her ex-husband Renan Luce will obviously be there, just like Jean-Louis Aubert, Jean-Paul Rouve or even Calogero and Zaz. On the other hand, his son Malone, 15, will not be present, he who never appears in the media.

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