Renaud Capuçon and Laurence Ferrari: What could have been devastating for their relationship

There was certainly Amel Bent and Nolwenn Leroy at the Enfoirés concert, broadcast this Friday March 4 on TF1, but not only! The eternal members of the troupe have taken newcomers under their wings, including astronaut Thomas Pesquet, footballer Kylian MBappé and violinist Renaud Capuçon. This is obviously not the very first time that the 46-year-old musician has taken the stage. Since the launch of his career, he has traveled to the four corners of the world to spread his talent and share the sweet music that he plays so well with the public.

Music softens morals, it is well known, but hearts too! Especially his, since he met journalist Laurence Ferrari and they became parents to a little Elliott: “I met Laurence at a Savoyard dinner, we got married and since then, my house has been my nest, my base, my protection. I was looking for this. Fatherhood was also a cataclysm in my life. Let’s say that there was a before and an after and that the prism of visions is no longer the same“, he confided to Paris Capital in 2014.

When they met in 2008, Laurence Ferrari was the star of the 8 p.m. newscast on TF1. A role in full light which could have been fatal for their history. As Renaud Capuçon confided so well in a portrait dedicated to him Releasehaving your head on your shoulders is essential not to lose your footing: “It earned me looks in the French musical community. It could have been devastating for us if we weren’t anchored to the ground.“Fortunately, Renaud Capuçon and Laurence Ferrari have made their love a strength.

If we know nothing of the life of Renaud Capuçon before his marriage in 2009 to Laurence Ferrari, the 55-year-old journalist lived long years of marriage with a colleague, Thomas Hugues. Together, the stars of information had two children, Baptiste and Laëtitia, before recording an amicable divorce in 2007. Laurence Ferrari has since found love with Renaud Capucin. Her ex-husband is no exception. In 2011, he said ‘yes’ to producer Isabelle Roche.

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