Renan Luce “stunned and overwhelmed” by his breakup with Lolita, daughter of Renaud: “Everything stops around me”

Renan Luce is not just a singer. The 42-year-old artist has several strings to his bow, including that of author. This Wednesday, October 12, he published his very first book, A worried family, published by Flammarion editions. A collection in which he evokes his clan, his parents, his brother and his sister, suffering from a genetic malformation, passing by the own family he built with Lolita Séchan, daughter of Renaud to whom he was married. for seven years and thanks to whom he became the father of a little girl, Héloïse, born on August 3, 2011.

The story was in their image, as solid as it was simple and beautiful. But all good things come to an end, Renan Luce and Lolita made the decision to divorce in 2016. If Renaud’s daughter has already confided in her about their breakup, the singer had meanwhile deprived himself of any comment until to the idea of ​​the book. Experiencing a separation is not always tricky. Some, whose decision is made by mutual agreement, manage to tune their violins. What Héloïse’s parents managed to do. But that doesn’t mean the separation isn’t painful.

I am stunned by my separation. Knowing it is necessary and perhaps life-saving, I nevertheless experience it with great sadness and the feeling that everything around me is stopping.“, specifies Renan Luce. Realizing that life was no longer going to be the same was a long process for him: “After the brief impression of regained freedom, I am overwhelmed at not having been able to keep a precious love alive. It was a beautiful story. I try today to cling to this idea that we have lived and that we are still living a beautiful story even if, today, we are still living it but in another way. But she’s still so pretty.”

If the story is still relevant, it is because Lolita Séchan and Renan Luce succeeded in what many fail: maintaining a bond and a sincere affection for each other, without resentment, resentment or bitterness. Lolita Séchan herself confided that stopping everything and taking some distance were not really possible: “The link is unbreakable. We are like that in the family, we do not know how to cut ties.“And it’s certainly not Lolita’s new darling who will break the spell of this family magic…

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