Rénald Grondin case | The FTQ-Construction undertakes to wash “whiter than white”

The FTQ-Construction is breaking the silence regarding the Rénald Grondin affair and is now committed to washing “whiter than white” to restore people’s confidence in the union organization.

Posted at 10:43 a.m.

Lia Levesque
The Canadian Press

In an interview with The Canadian Press on Thursday, the general manager of the FTQ-Construction, Éric Boisjoly, said he was making every effort to ensure that such an “intolerable” situation does not happen again.

Last week, the daily The Press had reported a decision of the Commission of occupational injuries, dating from 10 years ago, affecting an employee victim of sexual harassment on the part of Rénald Grondin. At the time, he was with the Interprovincial Labor Association, then he became president of the FTQ-Construction.

Mr. Boisjoly confirmed that there will be an independent investigation, “by an external firm to shed light and find out why he went to that position” despite the context.

He assures that he had no idea of ​​the employee’s harassment complaint. “We didn’t know anything,” he insists.

Also, over the past few days, the 17 directors of the various FTQ-Construction unions have met and adopted an action plan which provides for an obligation to take training on sexual and psychological harassment for leaders. and representatives, current and future.

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