The leader of the Insoumis is due to hold a conference on Thursday alongside the rebellious candidate for the European elections Rima Hassan. Several parties criticize a logo which appears on the poster of this meeting.
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The Renaissance MP from the North, Violette Spillebout, the RN MP from the North, Sébastien Chenu, and the LR president of the Hauts-de-France region, Xavier Bertrand, are demanding, Monday April 15 on X, the cancellation of a conference by Jean-Luc Mélenchon, which is to be held on Thursday at the University of Lille. This conference alongside the rebellious candidate for the European elections Rima Hassan on the“news in Palestine” is questioned in particular for the logo affixed at the bottom of its poster: a map of Israel colored in red on a green background, where it is written “Free Palestine”.
“In the middle of the European campaign, while the debates are becoming more radical, I am calling on the president of the University of Lille Régis Bordet to ask him to cancel this propaganda conference, as Rennes or Bordeaux did”writes Violette Spillebout on X. According to the Macronist MP, “it is not with those who represent the most violent anti-Semitism and the desire to destroy Israel that the debates will progress towards peace.”
The rebellious deputy from the North, Adrien Quatennens, responds to Violette Spillebout, also on “is one of those people who, through ignorance and electoral patronage, cries anti-Semitism as soon as they see a keffiyeh or the word ‘Palestine'”. He recalls that “the canceled conferences” cited by the MP “were canceled because of threats against them”.
On April 10, the University of Rennes 2 canceled a conference of the same type after receiving an email threatening the security of the event. The next day, the same event was to take place at the University of Bordeaux. It was canceled due to “risk of disturbances to public order”.
For his part, Xavier Bertrand focuses his criticism on the poster’s logo on X: “We cannot tolerate, in a French university, such a conference by rebellious France, by Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Rima Hassan who, through the ‘Free Palestine’ logo, deny the existence of the State of Israel “. He calls on the University of Lille and the prefect of the North to ask them to cancel the event.
This publication by the president of the Hauts-de-France region caused the regional delegation of Insoumis to react in a press release entitled “Xavier Bertrand: from indifference to censorship”. “Slander, insult, defame is no longer enough for Xavier Bertrand, he now wants to silence the supporters of peace in Palestine and Israel”write the elected officials.