Renaissance relies on a vast poster and tract campaign to attract new members

The party of the presidential majority will put up 200,000 posters and distribute half a million leaflets next week throughout the country to swell its ranks.

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The Renaissance political party goes on the hunt for militants. His strategy to convince them? Distribute en masse and everywhere in France from next week posters and leaflets haloed with the face of the President of the Republic in close-up and accompanied slogan “Join the party of Emmanuel Macron”.

The leaflet, on the theme of purchasing power, that Renaissance intends to distribute en masse, everywhere in France, to attract new activists.   (SCREEN CAPTURE / FRANCEINFO)

In total, 200,000 posters will be put up across the country and 500,000 leaflets devoted to the theme of purchasing power will be distributed by Renaissance teams. “Blocking of gas and electricity tariffs”, “removal of the audiovisual license fee” or “exceptional back-to-school aid of 100 euros for families”… The presidential majority wished to highlight in this leaflet the various measures it has taken in recent weeks in the face of the energy crisis in particular.

The objective of this large-scale operation is clear: to attract new activists while Renaissance has only 27,000 up-to-date members, a figure far removed from the 400,000 claimed by the former La République en Marche (LREM) in 2017.

If at the time membership was free, since it was enough to click to become a walker, the annual fee to join now amounts to 30 euros, according to information from the political service of France Televisions. “From a movement where there were no contributions, we move to a political party, much more structured with one objective: territorial anchoring The number one objective is to make the five-year term a success, there are four years left and half,” confides the secretary general of Renaissance, Stéphane Séjourné, to France Télévisions.

“The President of the Republic has asked us to be in the permanent campaign. Renaissance is first and foremost a party of militants, and it must remain so. There is a European campaign which is coming up and which will require a great militant mobilization”confided Stéphane Séjourné.

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