Guest of France Inter, the Renaissance deputy for Vienne, Sacha Houlié, pleads to hold the government responsible in order to have the immigration bill adopted without a vote, despite the threat of a motion of censure from the Republicans.
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The Renaissance president of the Law Commission of the National Assembly, Sacha Houlié, proposes Tuesday September 12 on France Inter “a popular 49.3” to pass the immigration bill. “These measures being all popular, the expulsions [d’étrangers qui menacent l’ordre public] like regularizations [de travailleurs sans-papiers dans les métiers “en tension”], they can be supported by the population. Why not a popular 49.3?”he says.
“From the moment when all people see that these realities are realities on the ground, and that we need legislative measures, laws, to change things, we must have the law adopted”, justifies the deputy for Vienne. He co-signed with around thirty other deputies, from the MoDem to the Communist Party, a forum in favor of the regularization of undocumented workers in the trades “in tension”. Purpose of the maneuver: to avoid unraveling of the text under pressure from the Les Républicains (LR) party.
>> Immigration law: an unprecedented alliance of the left wing of the majority at Nupes to defend a “humanist” text
“If the entire population supports us, then we must be able to vote or have laws adopted”, pleads Sacha Houlié. In other words, to hold the government responsible for having this text adopted without a vote, in the National Assembly. LR, fiercely opposed to the regularization of undocumented workers in the trades “in tension”have already threatened a motion of censure.