Renaissance MP Marc Ferracci accused of conflict of interest after his appointment as rapporteur for the text

The media Blast reports that the father of the elected official leads an audit and consulting group which has indirectly become one of the main subcontractors of Pôle emploi. The person concerned says he himself seized the ethics officer of the National Assembly “as soon as he was appointed”.

The Renaissance deputy Marc Ferracci was appointed co-rapporteur of the bill “for full employment”, one of the objectives of which is to reorganize Pôle empoi, which must become “France Travail”. But this appointment creates a stir after an article published by Blast, which reports a significant conflict of interest. The online media reports that the father of the elected official, Pierre Ferracci, heads the Alpha group, a powerful audit and consulting group which has indirectly become one of the main subcontractors of Pôle emploi. Gold, “the transformation of the public agency in France Travail suggests a very strong growth in the activity of subcontractors”writes the author of the article.

Very close to Emmanuel Macron, whose marriage he witnessed, the current deputy of the French of Switzerland and Liechtenstein was previously special adviser to Muriel Pénicaud at the Ministry of Labour, where he notably worked on the first reform of the unemployment insurance. Marc Ferracci also owns 35% of Icare Finance, “the family holding company which holds Pierre Ferracci’s stake in the Secafi Alpha group”writes Blast.

On Twitter, the boss of Les Républicains deputies, Olivier Marleix, criticized a “unacceptable mix of genres”.

“Taking into account the provisions of the text [le projet de loi “plein emploi”], the company of the co-rapporteur’s father – of which he would therefore be the indirect shareholder and potential heir – could experience strong growth due to the registration of thousands of people with France Travail”, write for their part the socialist deputies Boris Vallaud and Arthur Delaporte in a letter addressed to the president of the social affairs commission of the Assembly, Fadila Khattabi (Renaissance).

Marc Ferracci denounces “false” accusations

These two elected officials are surprised by a possible violation of the articles of the Palais-Bourbon regulations concerning conflicts of interest. They plead for a withdrawal of Marc Ferracci from his function as co-rapporteur of the “full employment” bill and ask the president of the Social Affairs Committee to seize the ethics officer of the Assembly.

Useless, replied in substance Thursday Marc Ferracci, who says he himself seized the ethics officer upon his appointment. The man who is also vice-president of the Renaissance group adds that he will “obviously heed his opinion”. In a statement published in response to the Blast article, Marc Ferracci also denounces the accusations of the elected Socialists, qualified as “lies”. He ensures that the Alpha group has no activity or alliance concerning the job seekers’ placement markets for Pôle Emploi.

The chosen one, who says to himself “pparticularly sensitive to the issue of conflict of interest”, affirms that he had already planned not to intervene on title 2 of the bill, devoted to France Travail. He considers, in any case, that his participation in the debates on title 1, devoted to support for job seekers, does not constitute a situation of conflict of interest.

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