The former environmentalist deplores “choices which do not correspond to the results of the legislative elections” on the part of the presidential party, which he continues to support at European level.
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He judges “toxic” Renaissance’s support for Michel Barnier’s government. MEP Pascal Canfin presented his resignation from the executive office of the presidential party, Thursday September 26, in a letter addressed to his secretary general Stéphane Séjourné and posted online on “deeply disagree with the strategy” national level of its training, while continuing to support “the action we are carrying out at European level with the entire Ensemble pour l’Europe delegation and the Renew group.
“I consider that, since July 7, choices have been made which do not correspond to the results of the legislative elections and the dynamic of the Republican front which allowed us to avoid the worstwrites the former environmentalist. Today, Renaissance supports a government largely oriented to the right and whose survival depends on the goodwill of the National Rally.”
“The days that have just passed since the appointment of the government demonstrate, if it were necessary, the profoundly toxic consequences of this strategy”adds Pascal Canfin. Tuesday, Michel Barnier severely called to order his Minister of the Economy Antoine Armand (Renaissance), forced to backpedal in the face of Marine Le Pen, who criticized him for having excluded hosting the National Rally. The new Prime Minister also called the president of the RN group in the Assembly to reassure her.
In his letter, Pascal Canfin ensures that he remains “faithful to the progressive spirit which was at the heart of the political project initiated in 2017” by Emmanuel Macron. “I do not regret for a single moment this choice which allowed us, collectively, to begin to transform Europe. I will continue to do so, within the Together for Europe delegation”writes the man who had been Minister Delegate for Development under the presidency of François Hollande (2012-2014) and general director of the NGO WWF France.