Renaissance group candidates for key positions

Sacha Houlié, Eric Woerth, Bérangère Couillard… the group of the presidential majority has unveiled the list of its candidates for the commissions and delegations of the National Assembly.

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The Renaissance group in the National Assembly has unveiled the names of its candidates for the key positions to which the deputies supporting the President of the Republic can claim in the hemicycle, in the commissions and the delegations.

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Sacha Houlié was chosen to run for the presidency of the Law Commission, Guillaume Kasbarian for the presidency of the Economic Affairs Commission, Fadila Khattabi for the presidency of the Social Affairs Commission, Pieyre-Alexandre Anglade for the presidency of the commission of European Affairs, Jean-Marc Zulesi for the chairmanship of the Committee on Sustainable Development and Regional Planning. The Renaissance group still has to decide between Thomas Gassilloud and Jean-Michel Jacques during a second vote for the candidacy for the presidency of the National Defense and Armed Forces Committee.

The group proposes Marie Guevenoux for a post of quaestor and must decide between Guillaume Gouffier-Cha and Eric Woerth during a second vote for the second post of quaestor. Rémy Rebeyrotte was chosen to run for the post of secretary of the Assembly.

Bérangère Couillard is running to head the delegation for women’s rights and equal opportunities between women and men. Nicolas Metzdorf for that of the parliamentary delegation to the Overseas Territories. Thomas Cazenave and Stella Dupont must still be decided in a second vote for the presidency of the delegation to local authorities and decentralization.

Stéphanie Rist is running to become general rapporteur of the Social Affairs Committee. There must be a second round to choose who, between Jean-René Cazeneuve and Mathieu Lefevre, will stand for the post of general rapporteur of the Finance Committee.

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