Renaissance deputy Jean-René Cazeneuve, “hopes that the deputies” LR and PS “will come to their senses”

The deputies rejected the 2023-2027 budget planning bill in committee on Tuesday. The initial text will still be examined in the hemicycle on October 10.

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“We are in a logic of dialogue. I hope that the deputies” Republicans and Socialists “will come to their senses and vote for this programming law that we absolutely need”, said Tuesday, October 4 on franceinfo Jean-René Cazeneuve, Renaissance deputy for the first constituency of Gers and rapporteur for the budget at the National Assembly. The deputies of the Finance Committee rejected the 2023-2027 budget planning bill by 36 votes to 30.

“It will be presented in the hemicycle” to the National Assembly on October 10. “If it were rejected it would be quite serious because it is a very important document for our European credibility. It is France’s commitment to its 5-year trajectory of its public finances. In this law, we explain how we manage to reduce our deficit.

“I have the feeling that the LRs are voting more and more like the National Rally and that the Socialist Party is voting more and more like rebellious France.”

Jean-Rene Cazeneuve


The text plans to bring the deficit below 3% by 2027. “It is a steering tool for the government, for the deputies. I am very surprised” the rejection of certain parties, confides Jean-René Cazeneuve. “I’m afraid that’s not a good signal.” Republicans and the Socialist Party “are in the shadow of larger parties, they are in a headlong rush, and this is not a vote of responsibility on their part. We really need this programming law.”

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