The National Assembly is not sitting this week, but the Renaissance deputies can no longer wait for a work program. Matignon assures that they will be fixed next week.
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When they return from vacation next week, Renaissance deputies will have a gift they have been waiting for for weeks: a work program in the Assembly for the coming months. Matignon is working on the subject while the lack of visibility weighs on the morale of the troops. For the moment, there is on the menu the bill on nuclear safety from March 11 in the hemicycle, and the agriculture law which will arrive to be examined before the European elections.
But otherwise, in the work program, there are mainly legislative proposals (PPL). In short, texts carried by deputies, generally less dense than those of the government. These PPLs range from the strengthening of criminal sanctions against racist or anti-Semitic offenses to the professionalization of dance teaching. In short, “texts not really structuring or divisive”deplores a Renaissance deputy. “There are so many PPLquips another, that we have enough to keep parliamentarians busy with rattles until the next term!”
“The majority feels kept at a distance”
But the majority deputies are especially eager to work on more structuring texts. They are eager, for example, to look into the “Macron 2 law” which must “unlock the economy”, or the future housing law deemed urgent. And if the deputies are demanding work, it is because they know that the government will skip Parliament as often as possible, in the absence of an absolute majority, by favoring decrees rather than laws. A minister justifies the method: “We need results on the subjects that concern the French on a daily basis: for school, it means having teachers in front of the students, for health, it is doctors, and that does not require laws”.
Passages through the regulatory route which contribute to the gloomy atmosphere. “The majority feels kept at a distance”, confides a deputy. An advisor to the executive: “Attal promised consultation so it takes time”. The government has only been in full force for 10 days, which is a bit short to finalize bills. And then this parliamentary blues is inherent to any change of government, as one MP says: “it’s a bit steep for all those who saw themselves becoming ministers”.