Renaissance and the RN dream of eclipsing the other parties

Eight months before the European elections, Renaissance is organizing its back-to-school campus focused on Europe this weekend in Bordeaux. Beyond the presidential party, all parties are preheating for the campaign.

To find a head of the Renaissance list in the European elections, it will not be before January, but on Friday October 6, the majority returns under the sign of Europe in Bordeaux, with a ready-made opponent: the National Rally.

Strengthen each other

To properly establish the match with the far right, Renaissance receives the President of the European Commission, Ursula Von Der Leyen. She is a scarecrow for the RN. Renaissance will set the scene: the pro-Europeans are here, the anti-Europeans are Jordan Bardella’s list. The Macronists dream of first place. “Today it seems impossibleexplains a majority executive, but in eight months, who knows?”

Coming in first is also the objective of the far right to show that it is the only opposition to embody the alternative. The National Rally held its first campaign meeting on Monday October 2. The first avenues were mentioned: against immigration, against the enlargement of the European Union… but no battle plan or well-defined timetable: “We don’t decide when the campaign starts, we just have to be ready when it starts,” confides an RN leader, who adds: “Let’s go when the banquet is open!”

Rallying the divided sensibilities of LR

Between the RN and Renaissance, only one will reach first place, but they have another goal in common : bring LR below the 5% mark, synonymous with the disappearance of the European Parliament. According to someone close to Marine Le Pen: “This would force certain LRs to come with us and the others to merge with the Macronists, because in the National Assembly, the deputies would have the shocks for their places.”

The Macronists also dream of this scenario to facilitate the rest of the five-year term and clear up the landscape for the 2027 presidential election. Additional difficulty for Eric Ciotti’s party: the Reconquest list with Marion Maréchal also aims to kill LR. “Maybe we should speed up”worries a tenor from the right.

On the left it is also time for the pre-campaign. PS activists endorsed the autonomous list on Thursday October 5. After the ecologists and the communists, here they are launched, without an official leader at this stage. “Let the rebels scream in the desert to demand a common list” is here “good resolution” from the rest of the Nupes. It is not yet known whether the meeting proposed by the Greens to establish a non-aggression pact on the left will take place on October 19.

>> Migration reform: after years of discussions, the countries of the European Union agree on a more restrictive text

In a completely different register, the immigration bill will resume its chaotic journey on November 6 in the Senate. The calendar was validated Thursday evening at the conference of presidents. We don’t know the end of the story, but we know when the soap opera starts again.

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